January 16, 2021
Hey Girl,
If you’re reading this you’re trying to get pumped for your big day. Since I do boudoir myself and I shoot boudoir I can give you A LOT of ideas.
FIRST & FOREMOST — BE PREPARED. Iron your clothes, have a good plan and timeline for the day so you are not stressed out or rushed at all. A lot of times being rushed causes us to forget things. My motto is I would much rather have you be early than late (I’m a big buffer time kinda gal). The more prepared you are for your shoot the better you will feel going into it. You have made an investment so try and get the most out of it!
HAVE SOME CAFFEINE TO START YOUR MORNING. Depending on when your shoot is try and drink some coffee. Not only does it boost your energy levels but it is a natural laxative too (I’m dying of laughter writing this out by the way only because I’m being so serious). Personally if I am constipated it is hard for me to concentrate. Just one less thing to worry about. Also for me getting a cup of coffee is a mindset for me. When I go to a coffee shop and pay 4$ for a coffee I AM WALKING OUT READY TO SEIZE THE DAY!
PRACTICE IN THE MIRROR. I know this sounds weird but this way you will know what face you LOVE! Practice laughing in the mirror – do different laughs. See if you can pull off a serious face. Browse through my Instagram or website and see some of the faces other gals have made. You know what they say, practice makes perfect!
Best of Luck!
Emina Omeragic is an Arizona Portrait Photographer based in Phoenix and available for travel. You can find her at Teaspressa drinking the London log.
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